Five Rupees
Dated 1997, P44 |
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Five rupees 1997 independence commemorative. It appears that this is the only Pakistan banknote ever issued as a commemorative note. This is a 1997 dated note issued to celebrate the country's Golden Jubilee Independence. The note is printed with the years 1947-1997 commemorative year dates. Pakistan was once part of India, ruled by the British Empire until it obtained independence on 14/08/1947. The country was then divided into West Pakistan and East Pakistan with India in between. On 16/12/1971, after a brief civil war (about 9 months) East Pakistan (now Bangladesh) successfully broke away from West Pakistan rules with the support of India and became an independent nation. This commemorative note depicts the portrait of Mohammed Ali Jinnah (b 25/12/1876 - 11/09/1948) who was the country's first Governor General following independence. Mohammed Ali Jinnah was a British trained lawyer, politician and of course the father of the nation. His birthday is observed as a national holiday in Pakistan. Surprisingly after so many years, I managed to get this note (a consecutive pair) in crisp uncirculated condition.
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