Ten Rubles, ND18.8.2009 PNL
Commemorating 15 Years of National Currency


Transnistria (also known as Trans-Dniestr or Transdniestria) is a breakaway territory from Moldova, and is located between the borders of Ukraine and Moldova. Transnistria was formerly part of the USSR and declared its independence following the dissolution of the USSR empire in 1990. However since then, Transnistria sovereignty is not recognised by members of the United Nations, and needless to say it's currency too. This 10 Rubles was issued in 2009 to commemorate the 15th year of National Currency. It was reported that only 1000 of these notes were issued with a folder. How true is this, I have no idea. With or with the folder is not a concern. It is the note that I was interested in.
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