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. . . . list of anniversary names . . . .

| a | b | c | d | e | f | g | h | i | j | k | l | m | n | o | p | q | r | s | t | u | v | w | x | y | z |

Total commemorative banknotes issued is under 1,500 pieces. If you have achieved any figures close to this, then you are doing extremely well, as many of the older commemorative notes are hard to find even in poor conditions.

Opinion: Many collectors of commemorative banknotes would have come across with those Somaliland sets overprinted with gold and silver texts with the following wordings - 5th Anniversary of Independence 18 May 1996 [Sanad Gurade 5ee Gobanimadda 18 May 1996]. I believe these are "home made" (or fake) and not authorised by the central bank. My argument is simple. No central bank would have issued an overprint commemorative banknote that the texts are so large that it would cover the two signatures on the note as well as part of the serial numbers. Even if these are genuine notes, then these could be issued as souvenir sheets and not as legal tender. As I said before, this is my opinion. If you have paid top dollars for these, please think about my argument. There is always a sucker around the corner, including me of course!

All comments are most welcome but it has to be subjects related to banknotes or banknotes collection. If not, it will not be approved. Thanks

17 November 2021

...Macau, Banco Nacional Ultramarino - 10 Patacas Year of the Ox 2021

(Região Administrativa Especial de Macau da República Popular da China)
(Macau Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China)
(Banco Nacional Ultramarino)
(National Overseas Bank)
 Currency: Pataca (MOP)

Together with the 10 patacas Year of the Rat, this note was released on 04.05.2021 to celebrate the Year of the Ox. The Ox is the second animal on the Chinese Zodiac cycle of 12 animals. In 2021, the Chinese New Year was celebrated on 12.02.2021. The Chinese Zodiac series first started in 2013 with the Year of the Dragon (fifth Zodiac animal). According to the traditional beliefs, those who were born in the Year of the Ox can be considered to be dependable, calm, and methodical. They are also patient and tireless workers, just like the animal itself. One can also argue that the Ox person can be a good listener but also stubborn too and therefore making them change their mind would be a tough ask.
In addition to Banco Nacional Ultramarino (BNU), the Bank of China Macau Branch also released one for the same series. Only two commercial banks in Macau have the licenses to issue legal tender banknotes. BNU has been issuing banknotes in Macau since 1905, whilst the Bank of China Macau Branch first issued banknotes in Macau in 1995.
Like those previously issued in the Chinese zodiac series, registration for the notes started on 22.03.2021 until 09.04.2021. Only those who are residing in Macau can apply for the notes and each application is restricted to 25 pieces each per bank. The notes were released on 04.05.2021. Apart from the two issuing banks, the notes were also distributed via 7 other commercial banks in Macau. Closing date for the collection was on 23.07.2021.
Like those previously issued, the design on the front is the Ox Zodiac and also the Chinese Zodiac in Chinese with all 12 animals. The Chinese auspicious word 福 (Fu/Luck) is also printed on the top right-hand corner. On the back, it depicts the bank's main head office building in Macau with the image of the front entrance to the A-Ma temple (媽閣廟) together children celebrating the Chinese New Year and lighting firecrackers. On the left is the image of an Ox Zodiac in reverse. 
The A-Ma temple is a historical building and is a very famous temple in Macau. This temple was built in 1488 during the Ming Dynasty (1364-1644) and is located in Sao Lourenco in the southwestern of the Macau peninsula. The temple was built to commemorate Mazu, the sacred sea goddess who blesses the fishermen for safety and for good catches of fishes in the sea. In 2005, it became one of the designated sites of the Historic Centre of Macau.
The design for this note is very much the same as those released by the Bank of China. The only differences are the bank's name and their respective brand logo, the Head Office building in Macau and the signature printed on the note. At a quick glance without looking at the name of the bank or brand, both notes look almost identical.

Signature - the note is signed by two Administrative Council members but I do not know who they are.
Dimensions - 138mm x 69mm

Ten Patacas
Dated 2020, Year of the Ox
Banco Nacional Ultramarino Head Office building in Macau, A-Ma temple (媽閣廟) together children celebrating the Chinese New Year and lighting fire crackers. On the left is the image of a Ox Zodiac in reverse

This is an algorithm used in ancient China to record the year, month, day, and time. It is called "ganzhi". Heavenly Stem: A, B, C, D, W, H, G, Xin, Ren, Kui Earthly Branch: Zi Chou Yin Mao Chen Si Noon Noon Shen You Xu Hai
E.g: 2019 = the year of Jihai 2020 = Geng Zi Year 2021 = Xin Chou Year 2022 = Renyin Year... All rounds are 60 years old, and they are called "Yijiazi". 
Official Announcement:
Online registration for the exchange of the Rat and Ox Zodiac banknotes and the 20th Anniversary of the Return to the Motherland of Macau banknotes commencing next Monday March 12th, 2021 The joint online registration for the exchange of the Rat and Ox Zodiac banknotes, together with the previously issued 20th Anniversary of the Return to the Motherland of Macau banknotes, will commence next Monday. The tentative exchange quantity for the Rat and Ox Zodiac banknotes of each Issuing Bank is 25 pieces, making a total of 100 pieces of the two types of Zodiac Banknotes from the two Issuing Banks. On the other hand, the tentative exchange quantity for the 20th Anniversary of the Return to the Motherland of Macao banknotes previously issued by each Issuing Bank is 3 pieces, making a total of 6 notes from the two Issuing Banks. Each Macao resident can only conduct a single registration for the exchange of the two types of Zodiac banknotes and the 20th Anniversary of the Return to the Motherland of Macau banknotes, with no provision for the separate exchange of any one type of note. Depending on the final number of registrants, the actual quantity to be exchanged may be adjusted and will be announced after the end of the registration period. Starting from 9:00am on 22 March 2021 and until 6:00pm on 9 April 2021, residents holding valid Macao identity cards can log onto the joint registration system of the two Issuing Banks via the website of Monetary Authority of Macao (https://www.amcm.gov.mo/static/banknotes/terms_pt.html) to conduct a one-time online registration. Apart from the two Issuing Banks - Bank of China Macau Branch (BOC) and Banco Nacional Ultramarino (BNU), residents can also select other exchange locations including the selected branches of Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (Macao) Limited, Tai Fung Bank Limited, OCBC Wing Hang Bank Limited, Luso International Banking Limited, Banco Comercial de Macao, China Construction Bank Macau Branch and China Guangfa Bank Macau Branch. While registrants should retain their registration records, they can also log onto the online registration system for inquiry of their confirmed registration details. The exchange period is between 4 May 2021 and 23 July 2021. Registrants should bring along their valid ID card and proceed in person to exchange for the notes at the chosen location on the selected day. In respect of the note exchange conducted by authorized representatives, the latter will need to bring along his/her original ID card and submit the following documents:

1. Representative’s photocopy of ID card bearing his / her signature;
2. Authorization form downloaded from AMCM’s website signed by the registrant;
3. Registrant’s photocopy of Macao ID card bearing his / her signature. At designated branches of BOC and BNU, assistance will be provided to the elderly for the conduct of the online registration process. For enquiries, please call our hotline: 2856 5071 / 2856 5072, or browse our website (https://www.amcm.gov.mo/static/banknotes/terms_pt.html).

Lunar Chinese New Year 12-year full cycle

23 January 2012 to 9 February 2013 - dragon
10 February 2013 to 30 January 2014 - snake
31 January 2014 to 18 February 2015 - horse
19 February 2015 to 07 February 2016 - goat
08 February 2016 to 27 January 2017 - monkey
28 January 2017 to 15 February 2018 - rooster
16 January 2018 to 04 February 2019 - dog
05 February 2019 to 24 January 2020 - pig
25 January 2020 to 11 February 2021 - rat
12 February 2021 to 31 January 2022 - Ox
01 February 2022 to 21 January 2023 - tiger
22 January 2023 to 09 February 2024 - rabbit


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