Національний банк України
(National Bank of Ukraine)
Currency - Hryven (UAH)
This is a banknote of 20 hryven issued to remember the first anniversary of the unwanted war with Russia. The original official date for release was supposed to be on 23.02.2023, but it was then rescheduled to 24.03.2023. However, it was also reported that small quantity of these notes were sold by the central bank in early March as well.
The Russian's invasion started on 24.02.2022, when the Russian troops entered Ukraine from the north via Belarus, and from the east of Ukraine. By March 2022, when the war was in full scale, Ukraine lost about 27% of its territory to the Russians, and as the war went on, and with western powers increasing support and continuing supplying of weapons to the Ukrainians in the war, it has now managed to reclaim more
than 51% of the land lost. One year on, the war is still ongoing, and there is no clear sign when this conflict is going to end.
This new 20 hryven banknote is issued to remember this unwanted and unfortunate conflict, and the theme is - "WE WILL NOT FORGET; WE WILL NOT FORGIVE!". Whilst the official statement made by the Central Bank that this is a commemorative banknote note, the celebration is mainly on the fortitude, resilience, indomitability and heroism of the Ukrainian people in defending its territory against a foreign super power.
A total of 300,000 pieces have been issued, of which 200,000 are sold as souvenir package, and 99,000 sets are sold in a special envelope. The serial numbers printed are ranging from 3C 0000001 to 0300000. This note is legal tender in Ukraine. This note is printed on paper material.
I have been informed that the follows are the official issue prices: -
169 hryven in envelope each; and
195 hryven in card folder each
In my opinion, I personally would not call this a commemorative banknote but more of a celebration in making a statement for Ukrainians' defiance as there is noting to commemorative about as the conflict is still ongoing, and the pains and suffering are still imposing onto those innocent people, not just the Ukrainians but also to many of those ordinary Russians who are against this conflict too. No one wins in an arms conflict. Please note that I am not providing any support to any side. This is just my personal opinion, as a collector, I do welcome any banknote issues, regardless of its purpose. One can only hope that both sides can come to an amicable agreement soon to avoid further lost of innocent lives.
Twenty Hryven
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Three Ukrainian soldiers hoisting a Ukrainian state flag |
Front - Three Ukrainian soldiers hoisting a Ukrainian state flag against the backdrop of fragments of a western map of Ukraine, and triangle shape flags of the countries that support Ukraine in the war - the United Kingdom, the European Union, the United States of America and Canada. The image of the Ukrainian flag hoisting was a photo taken by Oleksandr Smirnov titled "Ukraine soldiers are hoisting a flag". Above the note are printed with the following texts both in Ukrainian and English; -
In Ukrainian
"24 лютого 2022 року повномасштабним вторгненням російської армії розпочався новий етап збройної агресії проти України. Народна війна за незалежність і суверенітет України триває з 2014 року. Це також війна за
цивілізаційний вибір: Україна відстоює свою приналежність до європейської цивілізації і водночас – ті засадничі цінності, права і свободи, що лежать в основі західного світу"
In English
"On 24 February, a new stage of armed aggression against Ukraine began with a full-scale invasion of Ukraine by the Russian army. The people’s war for the independence and sovereignty of Ukraine has been going on since 2014. This is also a war for a civilisational choice: Ukraine is defending its place in European civilisation, and at the same time fighting for the fundamental values, rights and freedoms that underpin
the Western world".
Between the texts is a laurel wreath. Under the laurel wreath are the legend І НА ОНОВЛЕНІЙ ЗЕМЛІ ВРАГА НЕ БУДЕ... (And on the renovated land, there’ll be no enemy...)
Governor - Andriy Pyshnyy (Pyshnyi) since 07.10.2022
Watermark - Coat of Arms of Ukraine
Dimensions - 80mm x 165mm
Back - It features the legend “ПАМЯТАЄМО! НЕ ПРОБАЧИМО! НІКОЛИ!”
(We will not forget! We will not forgive! Never!) (under the crown of thorns), while also depicting a kind of illusion – stylized poppies that stand for bloody bullet wounds. Below that is an image of two hands tried together with tape.
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